Yield per bag

Length (mm)  x 1 mm 1.5 mm 2 mm 3 mm 6 mm 9 mm 12 mm 15 mm
15 12600 8400 6300 4200 2100 1400 1050 -
20 9455 6300 4710 3150 1570 1050 780 -
25 6870 4580 3430 2290 1140 760 570 -
30 5730 3820 2860 1900 950 630 470 -
35 4913 3270 2450 1637 810 540 400 -
Length (mm)  x 1.5 mm 3 mm 6 mm 9 mm 12 mm 15 mm 20 mm 25 mm
40 2740 1370 680 450 340 - - -
45 2430 1210 600 400 300 - - -
50 2193 1090 540 360 270 240 164 131
60 1750 870 430 290 235 200 131 105
75/80 1400 700 350 230 195 165 105 84
90 1120 560 280 180 155 130 84 67
100 1000 500 250 165 125 110 75 60
115 840 420 210 135 100 80 63 50
125 770 380 190 125 95 75 58 46
140 660 330 165 110 80 65 50 40
150 620 310 150 100 75 60 46 37
175/180 510 250 125 80 60 50 38 30
200 450 220 110 75 55 40 33 27
225 380 190 95 64 48 35 28 23
250 330 168 80 56 42 30 25 20
275 290 147 70 49 36 27 22 17
300 260 131 60 43 32 25 19 15
350 215 105 50 35 27 21 16 13
400 180 90 45 30 22 18 13 10
Yield quantities per bag are approximate as band sizes vary between manuafcturing runs.  Each bag is sold by weight.  There may be ends of tubes included in you bag, this is standard practice when packing as removing them would cost more money and they usually represent no more than 1 band in weight.